b. 1961

Prolific maker of machine embroidered work often  of monumental scale and to commission.

Professor in Textile Arts , Manchester Metropolitan University.

Visiting Professor, Centre for Real World Learning. University of Winchester.

Fellow of The Society of Designer Craftsmen.

Fellow of The Royal Society of Arts.

Honorary Member The ’62 Group of Textile Artists.

Co-author with Jane McKeating  Machine Stitch Perspectives A & C Black 2010.

Co-author with Jane McKeating  Hand Stitch Perspectives, Bloomsbury 2012.

Biography by Diana Springall Inspired to Stitch A & C Black 2005 p196 – 205.

Diana Springall A Brave Eye by June Hill  Bloomsbury 2011 Chapter 10 Collection.

Craft, credo, collaboration  by  Ian Wilson Embroidery January/February 2016 pages 28–33.

